Archived Puzzles > Coin Case

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Coin Case

Coin Case

This is the simplest puzzle box Juno has ever designed. The number of steps is also small, and it is an easy puzzle. Some of our customers might solve the puzzle within a minute but if you cannot find out the trick, it can take a lot longer. Since Juno designed many complex, difficult puzzles, he thought it will be good to occasionally release easier puzzles. After you solve it, it will be good to make fun of your friends with the puzzle.

It is NOT a sequential discovery puzzle, but genuinely categorized as a trick opening puzzle box. There are no tools required to solve the puzzle and all you have to do is find a way to open the box.

We don't provide a solution to the puzzle because it can spoil the fun of the puzzle. Just hand it to your friend or family members you if think you cannot solve the puzzle. Beginners luck works well for the puzzle and they have a good chance to open the box.

The compartment of the puzzle has a cylindrical shape, 38 mm in diameter, and the depth is 20 mm. You will find a dummy coin in the compartment when you open the goal.

Size: 109 mm x 45 mm x 34 mm

Number of pieces: Secret

Material: QLD Silver Ash (citrus family tree), American Black Walnut, PNG Rosewood, Jarrah, and metal parts

Designer: Junichi Yananose (Juno)

Origin: Made in Australia

Ages: 9+